Friday, June 1, 2012

Recycling Revamp: #26

Re-design of the juice box recycling program

This poster clearly shows the old system and the new system.
Grade 4 students visited every classroom to explain the new system, why it was being implemented, and how it worked.  
They put one of these posters up in every class to encourage students to sort their recycling using the new system.

21st Century Competency:

We are problem solvers.  The sorting of our recycling was smelly, dirty and time consuming.  We came up with a new way to sort the recycling.  We are collaborators, we trained every other class on how to sort their recycling.  We posted images in every class to teach our new system.

Grade(s) Involved:      Grade 4 (Mrs. Harris)
Date Submitted:          September 12th, 2011
Leaders Involved:       Mrs. Harris and her students

Autographs of Student Participants

Student Written Description of the Environmental Action Project:

You take all of the juice boxes, milk cartons and everything else in the black bins and put them into a big bag, sorted out. After you count them and write the number in each bag on a piece of tape. They go to the bottle depot to be recycled.

This is good for the earth because they are not laying on the ground, they are being made into something else or the same thing.
by Mattea, grade 4, Mrs. H.

Describe Why This is an Environmental Project:

We flatten the juice boxes and milk cartons after we drink them and put them in a black bin. If it’s a water bottle or something else we put them in neatly. We sort them and count them from each class. We put them in bags and bring them back. You write down the number on a piece of tape and put it on the bag. We bring the bag outside and put it against the fence. A teacher or helper brings them to the bottle depot.

It’s a good project because it’s recycling, and if we just dumped them it wouldn’t be good for the earth. They would get into oceans, rivers, and lakes and it would kill the fish and frogs.
by Sadie, grade 4, Mrs. H. 

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