Friday, June 1, 2012

Clean Sweep: #50 - 84

City of Airdrie Clean Sweep

Students join with The City of Airdrie to participate in Clean Sweep, a community wide event to clean up garbage around the community.  Our school, almost 800 student strong literally swept across the school playground, fields and along neighbourhood sidewalks.

What is most significant about this day is that following the official clean sweep students in grade 2 continued to clear the playground of litter, spending their recess time picking up garbage of their own accord to maintain the green grass and litter free play space.  Way to be proactive grade 2!

21st Century Competency:

We are civically engaged.  We are active and contributing members of our community as we join together to celebrate earth day and keep our city clean.

Grade(s) Involved:     All grades (34 classes)
Date Submitted:         April, 2012
Leaders Involved:      

Autographs of Student Participants

Student Written Description of the Environmental Action Project:

We went around the town and picked up litter.

Describe Why This is an Environmental Project:

It was a good thing to do because it help clean the earth and make it a better place to be.
by:  Hayley S., grade 4, Mrs. H.

1 comment:

  1. “Clean sweep is when we, École Edwards, go in a neighborhood and pick up garbage to help the environment. We filled countless bags of trash. It was a very helpful-to-the-environment and it was a green thing to do.”
    – Grade 4FI Student
